We all know that each person has a unique fingerprint ridge pattern and that the pattern can be used by capacitive sensors which create an image from those ridges.

Module Development
Linear Dimensions develops and produces ICs, sensors and algorithms. Instead of packaging each of these devices into separate packages which adds cost and size.

Product Development
Let Linear Dimensions take the headache out of product development with our turnkey services. Let Linear guide you through the development process and supply.

Private Label
Linear Dimensions offer a range of private label products. Low cost feature customization and industrial design modifications ensure brand uniqueness.

PEAL is Linear’s patented and proprietary method for separating signals of interest from noise and performing identification. Peal offers the following advantages...

The benefit of capacitive sensors is that they may be placed underneath non-conductive surfaces such as the leather of a band or car seat or the plastic of a band or watch.

LND-056 Datasheet – The LND056 is a 350V, 16 Channel High Voltage Driver for Super Accurate biasing of MEMs Devices such as micromirrors or liquid lenses...